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learning persimmons + new project

Kim Beller

it seems a little weird to be talking about persimmons with all that is happening in the world around us. now that i am off social media, i am not seeing as much, but still reading heather cox richardson (letters from an american) to stay abreast of what is going on. regardless of religious beliefs, denomination, or who you pray to, (if anyone), this sermon really touched my heart. as we move forward into the unknown of the next four years, it has been said by many that it is crucial that we are active in our local communities and strive to support those who are less fortunate than we are. service work is activism.

"volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. you vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in." author unknown

about persimmons~

over the summer one of our neighbors said their persimmon tree would be full of fruit and to pick as many persimmons as we wanted. the tree was so full and so pretty- heavy with the gorgeous, bright orange fruit that was a mystery to me. we ended up with a bucket of persimmons. i shared some with a few friends and had bowls of persimmons on the table, the counter, and in the fridge. they were everywhere. i learned that when a persimmon is ripe, (feels like a ripe tomato)you can place it in the freezer until you are ready to use. i used the ones i froze in the recipe for muffins and cake. once they thawed, the fruit slipped out of the skin and was perfect to work with.

my favorite way to eat a persimmon is just after it has gotten soft and ripe, peel the skin off, slice it and eat it. i love them. the taste is hard for me to describe.. it feels somewhat tropical, but mild. i looked at a lot of recipes and couldn't find anything that was calling to me, so i made up a recipe and adjusted it until i got it the way i wanted it. started with muffins, then i tried it in a cake pan and that worked too. (have to adjust the cooking time). the recipe is also interchangeable with other fruit. (bananas, blueberries, cherries)

if you end up wanting to try it, let me know how it turns out! :)

about my new project!!

'tell me about your kitchen' has been percolating for a while now. my friend carrie says "i remain convinced that the kitchen is home to all of the transformation, the revolution, the care this world has and needs."

i am obsessed with kitchens. many of us feel that the kitchen is the heart of the home. the place where the magic happens, delicious meals, delightful and profound conversations, a sense of community. the kitchen has always been my favorite room in the home for as long as i can remember.

mom, margie, dell, aunt ginny
mom, margie, dell, aunt ginny

i invite you to participate! if you want to join in the fun, message me and i will send you a list of questions/prompts/

exercises to choose from along with more information about the project ~ eventually it will all be compiled and shared. by participating, you agree to have your words and images shared with the public.

in my next post i will be sharing some of my journal entries and spreads. one of the options is to share images of your favorite collections. this is mine, a collection of pottery made by my dear friend misty.

i will share more soon! please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested in participating. signing up for my newsletter is a great way to stay in touch.

speaking of staying in touch, if you love snail mail, send me your address! :) i love sending letters and love notes in the mail.

wherever you are, i hope you are warm and that you and your loved ones are and feel safe.


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